SeaEco+ Immerson Suit 浸水衣
SeaEco+ 認證爲可不穿救生衣使用
o 背部的浮力枕確保了正確的浮動位置和自由浮動。
o 適用于商船隊的浸水衣o 阻燃的5毫米氯丁橡膠-針織聚酯襯底,經久耐用
o 緊急照明
o 帶有夥伴拉綫和浮鈎
o 不銹鋼D型環和鈎的提升帶
o PU/塑料材質的防水主拉煉--易于關閉o 經認證的反光貼片
o 一體化兜帽
o 水密袖口o 可拆卸的手套由鬆緊帶連接--存放在袖子的蓋板下
o 腿部有魔鬼沾收緊裝置
o 橡膠鞋底,在濕滑的表面有最佳的抓地力
o 經SOLAS認證,符合LSA規範MED 1.6b,防寒絕緣的浸水衣,可在不穿救生衣的情况下穿著
o 加拿大交通部和俄羅斯海運注册局(RMRS)認可浸水服。
o 可另加真空包裝以延長服務周期(最長5年, NTD. 2000)
SeaEco+ is a further development of our SeaEco immersion suit. The major difference is that this suit is certified for use without a lifejacket. Built-in buoyancy in the collar ensures proper a floating position and adequate freeboard. Vacuum packing saves space and extends the mandatory service interval, which in turn makes this suit excellent value.
- Buoyancy pillow in back ensures correct floating position and free-board
- Immersion suit for the merchant fleet
- Flame retardant 5 mm neoprene - with knitted polyester backing for durability
- Emergency light
- With buddy line and floating hook
- Lifting strap with stainless steel D-ring and carbine hook
- Waterproof main zip in PU/Plastic - easy to close
- Approved reflective patches
- Integrated hood with extra closure
- Watertight cuffs
- Detachable gloves attached by elastic bands - stored under flap on sleeves
- Velcro tighteners in legs
- Rubber soles for optimal grip on slippery surface
- SOLAS improved and in accordance with LSA code MED 1.6b as an insulated immersion suit designed to be worn without a life-jacket
- Accepted as an immersion suit by Transport Canada and Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS)
- May be vacuum packed for extended service intervals (maximum 5 years)